A 37-year old unarmed journalism student who suffered from bipolar disorder and heart disease. One day Anderson had gone through an intense bipolar episode, forcing the family to call an ambulance to help stabilize her. Rather than the ambulance to appear in their residency, police officers arrived at their home while Anderson was begging to stabilize from the episode. The officers left the premises but arrived once more, due to the family calling an ambulance a second time due to her having another episode. The officers had agreed to escort her to the nearest hospital in order to help stabilize her. However, Anderson began to struggle due to the mental episode she was having. According to a family member, one of the officers, rather than laying her on the floor and letting the episode become less severe. Decided to forcefully restrain her on the ground, while putting his body weight on her causing her to lose consciousness and die during the incident. The effects of Anderson’s death led to many protests, where protesters demanded justice for the unlawful actions the police officers took towards Anderson. As a result, the police department decided to begin a program where officers would be trained on mental health protocols in order to avoid another incident in the future.